
Security in Cloud Computing (part 1) - Data Security and Storage

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Since the premise of our book is that security is a concern when discussing cloud computing, let’s revisit the security considerations we previously discussed and conclude with our thoughts on the current and future states of these considerations for the cloud:
  • Infrastructure security

  • Data security and storage

  • Identity and access management

  • Security management

  • Privacy

  • Audit and compliance

  • Security-as-a-[cloud] service

  • Impact of cloud computing on the role of corporate IT

1. Infrastructure Security

During our discussion of infrastructure security, we looked at network-, host-, and application-level security and the issues surrounding each level with specific regard to cloud computing. At the network level, although there are definitely security challenges with cloud computing, none of those challenges are caused specifically by cloud computing. All of the network-level security challenges associated with cloud computing are instead exacerbated by cloud computing, not specifically caused by it. Likewise, security issues at the host level, such as an increased need for host perimeter security (as opposed to organizational entity perimeter security) and secured virtualized environments, are exacerbated by cloud computing but not specifically caused by it. And the same holds true for the application level. Certainly, there is an increased need for secure software development life cycles due to the public-facing nature of (public) cloud applications and the need to ensure that APIs have been thoroughly tested for security, but those application-level security requirements are again exacerbated by cloud computing and not specifically caused by it.

Therefore, the issues of infrastructure security and cloud computing are about understanding which party provides which aspects of security (i.e., does the customer provide it or does the CSP provide it)—in other words, defining trust boundaries.

With regard to infrastructure security, an undeniable conclusion is that trust boundaries between customers and CSPs have moved. When we see poll after poll of information executives (e.g., CIOs) and information security professionals (e.g., CISOs) indicating that security is their number one concern with cloud computing, the primary cause for that concern is really over moved trust boundaries. To be more specific, the issue is not so much that the boundaries have moved, but more importantly that customers are unsure where those trust boundaries have moved to. Many CSPs have not clearly articulated those trust boundaries (e.g., what security is provided by the CSP versus what security still needs to be provided by the customer), nor are those new trust boundaries reinforced in operational obligations such as service-level agreements (SLAs).

Although the CSPs have the primary responsibility for articulating these new trust boundaries, some current confusion about this is also the fault of information security personnel. There are some information security professionals who, either fearing something new or not fully understanding cloud computing, are engaging in FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) with their business customers.

Similar to confusion over moved trust boundaries is the fact that the established model of network tiers or zones no longer exists. That model has been replaced with domains, which are less precise and afford less protection than the old model. (Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes based on DNS.) If we can no longer trust the network (organizational) perimeter to provide sufficient protection and are now reliant on host perimeter security, what is the trust model between hosts?

An analogy of this problem already exists and was dealt with 20 years ago—STU- (Secure Telephone Unit) IIIs used by the U.S. Department of Defense and the intelligence community. In that model, each STU-III unit (a host) was responsible for its own “perimeter security” (i.e., the device’s electronic components were tamper-resistant), and each device had a secure authentication mechanism (i.e., a dongle with an identity written to it, protected and verified by asymmetric encryption and Public Key Infrastructure or PKI). Additionally, each device would negotiate a common level of authorization (classification level) based on an attribute included with the identity in the dongle.

Today, we have no such model in cloud computing. The STU-III model simply is not viable for cloud computing, and there is no trusted computing platform for virtual machine (VM) environments. Therefore, host-to-host authentication and authorization is problematic in cloud computing since much of it uses virtualization. Today the use of federated identity management is focused on trust, identity, and authentication of people. The identity management solutions of today do assist in managing host-level access; however, there is no viable solution today that addresses the issue of host-to-host trust. The host-to-host trust issue is exacerbated in cloud computing because of the sheer number of resources available.

Conceptually similar to the trust boundary problem at the application level is ensuring that one customer’s data is not inadvertently provided to another, unauthorized customer. Data has to be securely labeled to ensure that it remains separated among customers in a multitenancy environment. Today, data separation in cloud computing is logical, not physical, as was done previously, and there are valid concerns about the adequacy of that logical separation.

2. Data Security and Storage

During our discussion of data security and storage, we looked at several aspects of data security and the storage of data. If cloud computing customers are concerned about the security afforded by infrastructure security and are counting on data security to provide compensating controls, those customers will be disappointed. A major reason for the lack of effective data security is simply the limitations of current encryption capabilities. However, efforts to adequately detail data lineage (mapping) are simply not possible in today’s cloud computing offerings. The amount of effort (and cost) to provide such mapping runs counter to the economic incentives of cloud computing. Another major problem with current cloud computing offerings is a lack of serious attention (effective action) to customers’ concerns about data remanence (i.e., data residue left behind and possibly becoming available to unauthorized parties).

These concerns with data security do not negate the capabilities or advantages of utilizing storage-as-a-service in the cloud—for non-sensitive, non-regulated data. If customers do want to (simply) store organizational data in the cloud, they must take explicit actions, or at least verify that the provider will and can adequately provide such services, to protect their data stored in the cloud.

We know how to effectively encrypt data-in-transit, and we know how to effectively encrypt data-at-rest. But because encrypted data cannot be processed, indexed, or sorted, to do any of those important activities requires that the data be unencrypted—hence, a security concern, especially if that data is in the cloud and is beyond the data owner’s direct control.

Even efforts to effectively manage data that is encrypted are extremely complex and troublesome due to the current inadequate capabilities of key management products. Key management in an intra-organizational context is difficult enough; trying to do effective key management in the cloud is frankly beyond current capabilities and will require significant advances in both encryption and key management capabilities to be viable. Claims of key management products being effective currently are naïve at best.

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